B-17 Showcase

B-17 Texas Raiders

Date: September 17-22
Venue: Exploration of Flight
Categories: Special Events

Join Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight and the Commemorative Air Force for a six day showcase of the B-17. Experience history come to life with rare warbird flights and ground tours!

September 17  |  9 a.m.-4 p.m.

September 18-21  |  9 a.m.-5 p.m.

September 22  |  9 a.m.-4 p.m.

Purchase Tickets


The B-17 will be on display on our ramp and will also be doing flights along with several other rare war birds. Ground tours will be available when the planes are not flying or being moved on the ramp.

Flight experiences are not included in the price of admission (unlike ground tours) and must be purchased ahead of time through the Commemorative Air Force.


About the B-17

The US built over 12,700 B-17’s and fewer than a dozen are airworthy. The B-17 Texas Raiders is one of out of three that are actively flying and offer public flights. This aircraft was the first Flying Fortress restored solely for educational purposes and to WWII configuration with machine guns and period-specific equipment.

B-17 Texas Raiders B-17 Texas Raiders
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