Air & Space Museum

Spirit of America – Sonic Arrow

Spirit of America – Sonic Arrow

Dubbed the “Spirit of America – Sonic Arrow”, adventurer Steve Fossett and his crew were preparing to break the land speed record of 763 mph using a vehicle from famed car designer Craig Breedlove. Based on his designs, Breedlove was able to get the vehicle up to 675 mph. Further enhancements by Fossett and his team raised the car’s possible top speed to 850 – 900 mph.

Using a General Electric J-79 jet engine from the famed F-104 Starfighter, this engine was capable of generating 18,400 lbs. of thrust. Equipped with a pair of narrow wheels up front to minimize drag, the Sonic Arrow looks like the world’s fastest tricycle.

Tragically in 2007 while scouting locations for test runs, Fossett disappeared over the Sierra Nevada mountains. In all, Fossett put nearly $4 million into the project before his death.

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Thursday Mar 27
10:00AM TO 8:00PM
Friday Mar 28
6:30PM TO 7:30PM
Saturday Mar 29
10:00AM TO 2:00PM

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