Groups & Tours

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Bring aerospace history to life for your group or enhance your classroom curriculum!

Browse through our group visit options below. Please review our Group Visit Policies before submitting a request form. To qualify, groups must be at least 10 people and requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance.

Aviation Tour

Ages: 6 and up
Maximum of 85 people
Duration: 75-90 minutes

Uncover the amazing history of powered flight and the incredible scientific advancements of the last century. Our Aviation Tour covers historical context and science for a holistic view of heavier-than air flight.

Aerodynamics Tour

Ages: 12 and up
Maximum of 60 people
Duration: 90 minutes

Delve deeper into the science of flight and learn about aircraft design and aerodynamics! Our new Aerodynamics Tour puts science front and center and covers the aerodynamic principles of flight and the science behind the design and shapes of different aircraft.

Space Tour

Ages: 6 and up
Maximum of 45 people
Duration: 60 minutes

Take a tour through space and time and learn about rockets, orbits, spacecraft and life in zero gravity! Our new Space Tour covers the history of modern rocketry, space science, the Space Race, and living outside the Earth’s atmosphere.

Early Childhood Tour

Ages: 2-5 Yrs
Maximum of 30 people
Duration: 30 minutes

Take your first step into the world of aircraft with this educational tour focusing on age appropriate science, movement and compare-and-contrast concepts.


Wingsphere Planetarium Experience

Duration: 30 minutes + questions
Maximum of 20-25 people

Journey to the stars! The Wingsphere Planetarium offers a 360-degree, fully immersive experience that makes learning science, astronomy and aerospace concepts a fun adventure. Choose from one of our programs listed below. We’re here to inspire curiosity and ignite a passion for space exploration!

Solar System Grand Tour
Take a tour of the solar system and explore planets and moons.
Ages: 7 and up

Travel back to a time when the only way to navigate the seas was by using the stars and constellations above.
Ages: 9 and up

Exploring the Red Planet
Learn about the robotic explorers that NASA has sent to Mars and their discoveries.
Ages: 9-14

The Sun: Our Very Own Star and its Storms
Learn about magnetic fields, solar flares, coronal mass ejections, sunspots, space weather and the impact on the Earth.
Ages: 12 and up

Book a Wingsphere Experience



Wings Museum History - Students touring the museum

Field Trips

$6 Guided
$5 Unguided

Use this link if you are one of the following:

  • Schools
  • Homeschool Groups
  • Camps
  • Scout Groups
Wings Museum Group Tours

Private Tours

$15.95 Adult
$10.95 Youth

Use this link if you are one of the following:

  • Family Groups
  • Companies
  • Clubs
  • College Classes
Wings Museum Group Tours - Navy Helicopter

Group Rate (Unguided)

10-24 paying group members:
$14.95 Adult
$9.95 Youth

Please visit our admissions desk in-person to inquire about this group rate offer.

A family walking in front of aircraft at the Air & Space Museum

Group Rate (Unguided)

25+ paying group members:
$14.95 Adult
$9.95 Youth

Use this link if you are one of the following:

  • Family Groups
  • Companies
  • Clubs
  • College Classes

Questions? Contact