Exploration of Flight (Centennial Airport)

Breakfast Fly-In

Breakfast Fly-In

Date: Saturday, Mar 11, 2023 | 9:30AM to 12:30PM
Location: Exploration of Flight (Centennial Airport)
Categories: Special Events

Join Wings Over the Rockies Exploration of Flight for monthly fly-ins featuring planes, pilots and breakfast!

On the first Saturday of every month, enjoy breakfast from a local food truck, watch aircraft fly in and explore interactive exhibits and simulators.

Purchase Tickets

Food Truck: Cruz In & Eat

Please note: Food purchases are not included in admission.

Pilots – Fly in for free breakfast! For tie-down space, contact Flight@WingsMuseum.org or 303.360.5360 ext 160.

*Weather permitting

Special Guest Speaker

Don’t miss Special Guest Speaker Gen. Robert “Earthquake” Titus (USAF Ret’d) at 11:00a.m.!

General Titus is a living legend and a true American hero. The 96-year-old jumped out of airplanes in World War II and flew P-51 Mustangs and 86s in Korea. He flew the first trans-polar single jet engine fighter crossing and a completed a total of 500 combat missions in Korea and Southeast Asia. He had three aerial victories over MiG 21s. Titus was a “Zero Launch” test pilot while at Edwards Air Force Base and held many distinguished high level command assignments thereafter until retirement in 1977.

Among other distinctions, General Titus has been awarded The Air Force Cross, The Silver Star, 4 Distinguished Flying Crosses and the Bronze Star.

You won’t want to miss this one!

General Titus

Plan Your Visit

Exploration of Flight Exploration of Flight

Centennial Airport

Exploration of Flight